Gmail and Google Apps mail migration

I’ve been a long time Google Apps user, I think it’s a perfect solution for a smaller company like mine. In fact, it’s a perfect solution for bigger companies as well. Right now, I’m working with a client that wants to consolidate 10 individual Google Apps domains into one single account that handles all the… Continue reading Gmail and Google Apps mail migration


I’ve just started blogging as a guest writer at If you’re not already familiar with LoadImpact, go check them out. They provide the word leading load test as cloud service solution and is free to try out. Today my first post was published about the difference between Node.js and PHP as server side languages/environments. So,… Continue reading LoadImpact

CodeIgniter for PHP CodeSniffer gets better

Just a quick note, my PHP CodeSniffer standard for CodeIgniter improves gradually, since I originally mentioned it a month ago, the following improvements have been made to the repo: Improved indentation checks in switch statements, works with tabs now Correct file and class naming when creating libraries (CodeIgniter expects capitalized file names for libraries) Support… Continue reading CodeIgniter for PHP CodeSniffer gets better