Super simple backups

In this post I explain a little bit about how I’ve set things up so that I’m comfortable knowing that my files are backed up to an Amazon S3 bucket every night. Most of this post should work exactly the same on any Linux or BSD system, but I’ve personally only used it on Mac.… Continue reading Super simple backups

Software I use – 2021

I haven’t written anything in this space for quite some time now. Last time I did I had just upgraded to a new Dell laptop with factory installed Ubuntu 16.04 (told you it was a long time ago). Well, that one got stolen and I thought that it might be a good time to switch… Continue reading Software I use – 2021

Categorized as Code, Other

Easy wp-cli automation with wp-bootstrap

I’ve created a PHP Composer package to provide an easier way to automate WordPress installations using wp-cli. If you are unfamiliar with wp-cli and composer. I suggest you read up on composer here, wp-cli here and the rationale of automation in my book or in my blog series on the subject. Another great resources for learning more… Continue reading Easy wp-cli automation with wp-bootstrap

WordPress configuration management

This is the 4th post in a series of developing for WordPress in a DevOps friendly way. The other articles: Introduction to WordPress and DevOps Developing with WordPress and Vagrant Grunt Automation for WordPress developer WordPress configuration management In the previous posts in this series we’ve been looking at how to work with Vagrant and WordPress and… Continue reading WordPress configuration management

Grunt Automation for WordPress developers

This is the third article in a series of developing for WordPress in a DevOps friendly way. The previous articles: Introduction to WordPress and DevOps Developing with WordPress and Vagrant Grunt Automation for WordPress developers WordPress configuration management In the previous two posts we’ve had a look at the various tools we need to create an… Continue reading Grunt Automation for WordPress developers

Developing with WordPress and Vagrant

This is the second post in a series of developing for WordPress in a DevOps friendly way. The other articles: Introduction to WordPress and DevOps Developing with WordPress and Vagrant Grunt Automation for WordPress developers WordPress configuration management Lets recap a bit to last post in this series. Vagrant is a piece of software that will help you… Continue reading Developing with WordPress and Vagrant

Introduction to WordPress and DevOps

This is the first article in a series of developing for WordPress in a DevOps friendly way. The other articles: Introduction to WordPress and DevOps Developing with WordPress and Vagrant Grunt Automation for WordPress developers WordPress configuration management In this post, we’ll talk about what DevOps means to WordPress developers.  Can DevOps deal with WordPress and perhaps more important, can… Continue reading Introduction to WordPress and DevOps

eBook on WordPress development and deployment

Last weeks I’ve been busy finishing up an eBook with the kind of straight forward title: WordPress DevOps – Strategies for developing and deploying with WordPress It’s a 100 page guide covering how You can get WordPress to work a little bit better in a proper development process, covering automation, testing and deployment. If you’re interested,… Continue reading eBook on WordPress development and deployment

Mysql Workbench on Ubuntu 14.10

As a friendly tip for anyone else who: Just upgraded to Ubuntu 14.10 Use Mysql Workbench a lot Use the built in TCP/IP over SSH to connect to remote servers. There’s a big chance that you saw this: Problem In Ubuntu 14.10 the package python-paramiko was upgraded to 1.15. The package is used by Python… Continue reading Mysql Workbench on Ubuntu 14.10

Categorized as Code