Super simple backups

In this post I explain a little bit about how I’ve set things up so that I’m comfortable knowing that my files are backed up to an Amazon S3 bucket every night. Most of this post should work exactly the same on any Linux or BSD system, but I’ve personally only used it on Mac.… Continue reading Super simple backups

Freescout on SpinupWp

Update May 16th 2021: I’ve added a section about how to make sure SSL certificates are renewed automatically. In this tutorial I will go through the steps of setting up the open source helpdesk software Freescout on a SpinupWP site. I’m using this setup in production on a 2GB DigitalOcean droplet that is also hosting… Continue reading Freescout on SpinupWp

Software I use – 2021

I haven’t written anything in this space for quite some time now. Last time I did I had just upgraded to a new Dell laptop with factory installed Ubuntu 16.04 (told you it was a long time ago). Well, that one got stolen and I thought that it might be a good time to switch… Continue reading Software I use – 2021

Categorized as Code, Other

How to play Star Stable on Linux

Star Stable install screen

TLDR; Star Stable works fine under Wine 1.7.55. Use Play On Linux if you want to avoid too much Wine configuration details. UPDATE 2015-12-27 I’ve recently reinstalled this on a fresh Ubuntu Gnome 15.10 64bit. In order to make Starstable work, I had to install two additional packages from the command prompt: $ sudo apt-get… Continue reading How to play Star Stable on Linux

Easy wp-cli automation with wp-bootstrap

I’ve created a PHP Composer package to provide an easier way to automate WordPress installations using wp-cli. If you are unfamiliar with wp-cli and composer. I suggest you read up on composer here, wp-cli here and the rationale of automation in my book or in my blog series on the subject. Another great resources for learning more… Continue reading Easy wp-cli automation with wp-bootstrap

WordPress configuration management

This is the 4th post in a series of developing for WordPress in a DevOps friendly way. The other articles: Introduction to WordPress and DevOps Developing with WordPress and Vagrant Grunt Automation for WordPress developer WordPress configuration management In the previous posts in this series we’ve been looking at how to work with Vagrant and WordPress and… Continue reading WordPress configuration management

CoSchedule for the win!

Daily Organizer

I’ve just started using CoSchedule, an editorial calendar tool that helps you plan your content creation ahead of time. It’s an external service that connects with your WordPress blog using a special plugin. If you’re serious about creating content, you want to post new stuff on a regular basis a couple of times a week. That’s when… Continue reading CoSchedule for the win!

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