
I’m a father, occasional race car driver, senior developer.

Occasional race car driver means that I sometimes drive cars in endurance-type races at amateur level. I’m far from a racing god but darn it’s a bag of fun. Putting this at the top of my About page is not a coincidence.

I used to consult as a freelance CTO type person which meant that I’ve got a ton of experience in various technology fields as well as managing coworkers. But software development is closest to my heart so for the past year I’ve been more or less 100% devoted to software development.

Daytime as a senior developer at WP Engine and all other times of the week in my own projects under the Wundermatics.com umbrella.

The dog is Dennis. He was our loyal, stubborn and ridiculously beloved Boxer. An integral part of our family for a good eight and a half years. In March 2021 we had to take the difficult decision to let him go to eternal sleep. At the moment we’re a dog owning family between dogs.